2019年9月29日 星期日


KPI = Key Performance Indicators 關鍵績效指標
MBO = Management By Object 目標管理


例如: 客服人員訂定每天接電話的效率及服務品質目標,一般而言,如果沒有達標,對公司的營運狀況不一定會有重要影響;然而,如果公司希望每年應該開發的新產品數量、時程表、品質與功能目標,若此數字的未能達成,就會嚴重影響公司的產品競爭力、客戶訂單數量、市場占有率,甚至於公司股價,進而對公司的營運策略能否成功產生重大影響。

2019年9月18日 星期三


SR = Sample Run
ER = Engineering Run
PR = Pilot Run / Trial Run / Control Run / Ramp Up
MP = Mass Production

ES = Engineer Sample 確認產品基本功能,不保證實用性、耐用度
CS = Customer Sample功能都要能正常工作,不能當機、掛點、失效
MP =Mass Production 消費者手上拿到的量產版

EVT =  Engineering Verification Test
DVT = Design Verification Test
PVT = Production Verification Test
CVT = Circuit Verification Test 針對電路功能進行驗證測試
SVT = System Verification Test 針對系統功能進行驗證測試
RA Test = Reliability Analysis Test 可靠性分析測試 環境壓力變化而影響功能或壽命的分析 (分析技術發現失敗的可能來源)

EOL = End Of Life

YTD = Year To Date 年初到現在
QTD = Quarter To Date 季初到現在
MTD = Month To Date 月初到現在
R&D =Research and Development 通常指研究開發的工作或人員
Design House 一般指以設計晶片為主要業務的公司,如Intel、Qualcomm、聯發科等公司
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 以品牌銷售為主的公司,如Asus、Acer、Dell、HP等
ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) 指的是提供代工服務,包括軟硬體、工業設計服務等
AE (Application Engineer) 指的是Design House協助RD端的應用工程師,有的公司稱為SA
SA (System Analysis)
FAE (Field Application Engineer / Filed Assist Engineer) 相較於AE,FAE通常偏向問題管理,有的公司是負責市場端的銷售服務,有些則是負責技術。
TAM (Technical Account Manager) 技術客戶經理,類似FAE的工作,主要負責客戶的技術相關問題。
POR (Plan Of Record) IC廠的chip會有技術規格,提供chip的功能。POR指的是這些功能是否有計畫支援。
IBV (Independent BIOS Vendor) BIOS供應商,如AMI、Phoenix、Insyde和Byosoft
R&R (Role and Responsibility)

2019年9月15日 星期日


1. 富盛號碗粿
2. 王子神谷日式厚鬆餅
3. DeepBlue深藍咖啡
4. 哞喜眸喜
5. 邱家小捲米粉
6. 五妃街豆腐冰 懷舊小棧
7. 台中楊大腸蚵仔蝦仁麵線


Synopsys VCLP = Verification Compiler - Low-Power

advanced low-power design techniquies:
1. power gating
2. Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) power rail off
3. multi-VDD
4. body bias
5. and so on

Low-power rule check plays an important role in the overall low-power verification flow, and is a mandatory sign-off step for designs employing advanced low-power design techniques.

A sink side isolation cell is placed in a power domain (the sink domain) that receives an input from a different power domain (the source domain) which may be powered down while the sink domain is still powered up.
 => 一般常見,sink side isolation cell接收不同power domain (source domain)的訊號,而source domain可以off,但sink domain不能off。

A source side isolation cell is placed in a power domain (the source domain) and drives a valid signal into another power domain (the sink domain) when the source domain is powered down. A source side isolation cell is powered by VDDO and VSSO pins which must be powered on for the cell to work. They could be connected to always on power or to power from the sink domain.
=> source side isolation cell也不能斷電(always-on power or sink domain power),若要斷電,則需要sink side isolation cell。

2019年9月6日 星期五


RFI (Request for information) (請求的資訊)
An open enquiry that spans the market seeking broad data and understanding.

RFQ (Request for Quotation) (詢價)
An opportunity for potential suppliers to competitively cost the final chosen solution(s).

RFT (Request for Tender) (招標要求)
An opportunity for potential suppliers to submit an offer to supply goods or services against a detailed tender.

RFP (Request for Proposal) (徵求建議書)
Sometimes based on a prior RFI; a business requirements-based request for specific solutions to the sourcing problem.

SOW (Statement of Work) (工作說明書)

NRE (Non-Recurring Engineering) (一次性工程費用)

當你做生意被呼嚨幾次後,就會了解NRE的重要性。最好的B2B報價策略,初期先收一點錢,叫做NRE fee,這筆錢用來客製產品或服務的錢,不要多,五萬十萬也好,但一定要收,收到了才知道客戶有誠意真的要買、或和你合作。而且也有可能,NRE是你唯一收到的錢。
NRE expense/NRE Cost
研究、發展、設計或測試 (Research, Developing, Designing, Testing)

2019年9月5日 星期四

vim 搜尋

/pattern   -> 向下搜尋pattern字串
?pattern  -> 向上搜尋pattern字串

如果pattern帶有'/' 反斜線(back-slash),會如果搜尋反斜線之後的字串
如果pattern帶有'/'的數量很少,可以用'\'來escape back-slash
例如pattern = aaa/bbb/ccc

例如pattern = aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/eee/fff

There are two simple ways to highlight multiple words in vim editor.
  • Go to search mode i.e. type '/' and then type \v followed by the words you want to search separated by '|' (pipe). Ex: /\vword1|word2|word3.
  • Go to search mode and type the words you want to search separated by '\|'. Ex: /word1\|word2\|word3.


KPI = Key Performance Indicators 關鍵績效指標 MBO = Management By Object 目標管理 KPI具有高度的策略性,一定是公司的重大目標 MBO大多數會比較偏向於經常性或例行性的工作 例如: 客服人員訂定每天接電話...